Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I know for the second post in a row, I am taking time out to mention that there will be no blog updates.  Unacceptable, I know. Shame on me  For the rest of the week, I will be prepping for my last Java project / taking my final (that's later today, so wish me luck if you can get over being upset at me).

Not completely a Santa Clause with only bad presents, I do have some good presents or in this case good news.

1)   Power Ranger-Kings: Lots has changed since the last PR that I put out. Some of you guys have gone from the weak green rangers sans the golden shoulder pads and transformed into the smooth-talkin' white ranger with the golden shoulder pads.  If you don't understand this reference, I'll explain it in an up-coming post along with a run-down of each of the teams in the league.

2) Wrap Up of the First Mini Game("League Pick'em) and Introduction to the Second League Mini Game: We have had about 6 week of pick'ems and I wanted to announce the overall winners and give out some prizes. I will touch base with commishner, Traveling Tim about scheduling a banquet where I can give those out or perhaps just a breakfast at Dennys.


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