Tuesday, February 12, 2013

If there was an NBA player who I would suspect would enjoy playing ball with the Power Rangers, it might be JR Smith.  I mean someone who gets 'young money' tatted on his throat and salsa dances to celebrate after game winning shots, is probably pretty well-connected to their youthful self than most NBA players.

Regardless, the  photo below which really in my opinion needs no explanation, has a pretty extensive one by Dan Devine at BDL.

Some excerpts:

 "This is a shooting exhibition. Everybody's going to pass the ball to the celebrity guest so he can take jumpers. Of course J.R. Smith is doing this."

"Here's how it works: The kids and Power Rangers line up a bit removed from foul-line extended, and whoever's at the front of the line gets a ball. Not all of the Power Rangers are on the line, however, which leads to one more surreal command than I thought I'd hear: "You guys: Rebound! Power Rangers, REBOUND THE BALL!"

What an awesome event for fans of the power rangers, the knicks, and JR smith.


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