Monday, October 28, 2013

Homan League Preview

So the goal is to do a review of the Homan League at the start of each week.  Since opening day of the season is actually tomorrow, and we just drafted about 2 days ago, I'm not gonna be able to do that. Instead, heres a quick preview based on those draft results.  Team names are italicized.

Big Bullies (Jae's Dazzling team) trio of meanies with Pekovic, J'kim Noah and president of intimidating-centers club, Kevin Garnett.

What does that word really mean (Swagger): drafted a most appropriate mascot in "(Swagger minus 'ger' plus 'gy') P".

Two Picks, Two Really Different Sized Players (Sasquatch): took a chance on giant Greg Oden having some fantasy impact and made a sneakily good pick with the diminutive but super-talented Isaiah Thomas.

Rookies (Clipper Nation): top overall pick Anthony Bennett as well as the early ROY favorite in Victor Oladipo.

All-International Team (Kobeking): Pau, Enes, Calderon, Gallo, Batum.  Plus, Kyrie was born in Australia and Farmar's mom is from Israel.

Length-y (PresITon): Javale Mcgee's arms, Anthony Davis's legs, Kelly Olynyk's hair.

MVP's (Adam Silver): has lots of individual hardware and talent with Dirk, Lebron, Nash as well as my personal pick for social media champ Amir Johnson.

Rhymesies (League Champion):
Mike Con-laaaay, Amar-aaay, Weslaay (Matthews), and of course Kyle Lowr-aaay.

Killer early-2000s team (S7venbyVII):
Duncan, Pierce, Vince Carter.

Marcus' (David Stern):
Cousins, Aldridge, and i'm not making this up, you can look it up yourself.  Joe Johnson's middle name.

So many three's (Mark Cuban):
Steph Curry, Ryan Anderson, Marcus Thornton, young buck Trey Burke and old horse Ray Allen.

------Edit: Forgot to do my own team.--------

Teammates (Just Jrue It):
First four picks were Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and then Josh Smith and Greg Monroe.


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