Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's that time of the year when people start clamoring for what relatively no name guy should get entered into the slam dunk contest in this year's all-star game festivities in New Orleans.

For the unknown part, Tony Mitchell fits the bill as last year's 2nd round, 37th overall pick from North Texas.  A quick look at his bballreference.com confirms this further as T-Mitch (trying this out, feel free to borrow it), has only played a grand total of 25 minutes this season.

Not the best camerawork on these dunks, but a quick peak at youtube returns some dandies including a karate chop block, and this compilation of ridiculous dunks form last year's rookie combine.  I'll give you a second to check out those links and then agree with me when i say, "please book his flight to N'awlins, NBA decision makers".


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