Friday, December 20, 2013

Some NSFW auto-tuned words and lots of ridiculous claims by Kanye West about how deserving MJ was to be a part owner of the Chicago Bulls.

I guess since the Bobcats are doing better this year, Kanye is forgetting about all the dummy moves his Airness has made as part-owner of both the Wizards and the Bobcats.  Or maybe he's not much of a Bulls fan and hasn't considered that with Jordan at the helm, the Bulls very well could have picked Michael Beasley instead of Derrick Rose as the first overall pick in the 2008 Draft.

Gotta give Mr. West his dues for this little ditty though. I'm probably going to spend the day confusing my fiance by singing the hook over and over again. ("Why do you keep singing about 'Michael the Wizard'").


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