Saturday, December 14, 2013

A glance at Dunleavy's stats this season as a Bull versus his averages last season as a Buck.

"He's exactly the same freaking player", you might say.

Indeed.  Even down to the amount of fouls he commits per game.  Really consistent that MDJR.

"So What" - says the Bucks fan

Well tonight his 40% percentage from three was good enough for this last minute straightaway banker which gave his new team, the Bulls, the win.

Crowd goin' nuts when this shot goes down was the most surprising thing.  I know Dunleavy suited up for the Bucks for a couple seasons, but you coudn't even tell that the home team had just lost the lead from the way you heard the crowd respond to that shot.

Hope you caught the Bucks color commentator absolutely hating on the shot as soon as it went through the hoop.  Also, Taj Gibson hopping up and down with his neck around Dunleavy was very Nate Robinson-esque.


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