Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jeremy Lin's New Workout With the Volvo

Very all-around comedic effort by Jeremy Lin here as he starts the video off with some really good Blake Griffin stone faces.  Things really get goin' when he plays pickup ball against a guy who looks like Mike Epps plus Jason Terry's accessories combined together.

One of my fave moments is when he yelps "MONEY", cause you know if you played basketball in any capacity in the last 10 years, you've heard that one guy who insists using that phrase everytime he launches a three-pointer.

Overall, really liking the direction that Volvo is goin' with their car commercials in encroaching on the dry humor portion of the market dominated by the aforementioned Blake.  Specifically, I hope for more moments of Jeremy Lin defensive sliding around an SUV or maybe more cut scenes of him spiking basketballs tossed up by really ordinary-looking people with headbands.


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