Monday, February 10, 2014

The Kings Hang Out At Some DC Monuments

So I guess when you have a matinee game in D.C. on a Sunday and you don't play again until Tuesday night-a mere 6 hours away (Cleveland), the most logical thing is to go check out an American historical monument.  Makes sense and very appropriate considering Monday is president's day.

First, Quincy Acy throwing up deuces with his bearded forefather

Then Demarcus Cousins, Derrick Williams and Acy (again with the two fingers) take one of those candid self shots.

A slight haha to Demarcus calling the sixteenth president "AB" in his instagram caption

and then of course the best for last, Carl Landry throwing up the double hitch-hiker thumbs next to the Washington Monument.

Shoutout to the Kings for reminding us of the upcoming holiday and also reminding us that grown men in sweatshirts and sweatpants can still look hilarious posing next to famous monuments.


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