Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I know that this is probably high, high fashion that I don't understand, but it really just looks like clothes that a toddler (the white onesy) would put together had he stumbled into both parents closets (mom's furry scarf, dad's gold chain), and decided to dress himself.  So don't know if there is still a debate in the Knicks locker room on who is the worst clothes-wearer, but I'll wait to see if any pictures leak of Iman Shumpert in another kilt or maybe Tyson Chandler in matching leather vest and capris, before I give the award to the outfit pictured above or what I'm calling the "Amar'e as a Bab'y".

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Haven't seen one of these reverse jams look as effortless as James Johnson made it look tonight against the Wizards.  Maybe that's why Mike Miller gave Johnson a high fiver and then followed it up with the ole "im so incredulous" shrug.

Pretty impressive that Johnson was able to impress Mike Miller because Miller is kind of the "Mr. Seen-it-all" for players making incredible moves within the last decade.  Remember, Miller started his career playing with the in-his-prime T-Mac in Orlando.  Then Miller played with fanciest schmaniest of  passers, Jason Williams on the Grizzlies.  More recently, he was a role player on the Heat next to Dwyane Wade and Lebron James; two guys known to make a other worldly basketball shots every once in a while.

All of that just to say that tonight James Johnson basically achieved the equivalent of "impressing Mikaela Maroney ('12 Summer Olympic Gymnast)" or if you want to be more relevant, "impressed Ashley Wagner ('13 Winter Olympic skater)".

Shoulda made a gif of a pleased Mike Miller, you say?  Yeah, probably.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Kevin Seraphin Playing Flappy Birds

Sometimes the star of the video introduces it better than I ever could.

Good to see that if this NBA Power Forward/Center thing doesn't work out, Seraphin would make for a pretty good video game voice-over guy.  Or maybe even a Ronnie Brewer doppleganger.  Lots of options, you lucky guy.

*for audio, go to the top right of the video and click the "speaker".

The Kings Hang Out At Some DC Monuments

So I guess when you have a matinee game in D.C. on a Sunday and you don't play again until Tuesday night-a mere 6 hours away (Cleveland), the most logical thing is to go check out an American historical monument.  Makes sense and very appropriate considering Monday is president's day.

First, Quincy Acy throwing up deuces with his bearded forefather

Then Demarcus Cousins, Derrick Williams and Acy (again with the two fingers) take one of those candid self shots.

A slight haha to Demarcus calling the sixteenth president "AB" in his instagram caption

and then of course the best for last, Carl Landry throwing up the double hitch-hiker thumbs next to the Washington Monument.

Shoutout to the Kings for reminding us of the upcoming holiday and also reminding us that grown men in sweatshirts and sweatpants can still look hilarious posing next to famous monuments.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Warning that the images in the video below may be too cute for you to handle.

Any thoughts I may have had about the Jazz Bear not being a really chill mascot were thrown out in the wind after seeing the long haired bear take an adorable fan to hang with the players while the game was momentarily paused in last night's game.

Adorableness continues when Ricky Rubio decides to steal the moment from Jazzy Bear and transform it into a game of catch. In fact, if there was an nba player that seemed like he would be the best passer for delivering a soft yet accurate pass to a little girl, please tell me because Rubios the only guy on my list.  

To conclude it all, the Jazz bear tosses the little fan onto his shoulder and walks into the distance.  Hopefully to take her back to her family, but also to put a bow on this gift wrapped package of cuteness.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jeremy Lin's New Workout With the Volvo

Very all-around comedic effort by Jeremy Lin here as he starts the video off with some really good Blake Griffin stone faces.  Things really get goin' when he plays pickup ball against a guy who looks like Mike Epps plus Jason Terry's accessories combined together.

One of my fave moments is when he yelps "MONEY", cause you know if you played basketball in any capacity in the last 10 years, you've heard that one guy who insists using that phrase everytime he launches a three-pointer.

Overall, really liking the direction that Volvo is goin' with their car commercials in encroaching on the dry humor portion of the market dominated by the aforementioned Blake.  Specifically, I hope for more moments of Jeremy Lin defensive sliding around an SUV or maybe more cut scenes of him spiking basketballs tossed up by really ordinary-looking people with headbands.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Being Informed Of Blazer Things By Meyers Leonard

1. I did not expect that Will Barton had bounce like that
2. Back-up, Mo Will, has quite the proper family crest logo and a court with his name all over it

Not trying to hate on Meyers Leonard, but this seems to be as much as he has contributed to the NBA since I first heard of his double-last-name name almost two years ago.