Friday, December 21, 2012

During this time of every year, the PR reps for most NBA teams convince their millionaire employees to sing a song or two to wish their fans happy holidays.

Since I am personally a huge fan of NBA players trying really hard to be smooth while singing off a teleprompter, I have been torn about how many of these videos I should post.

However, this year these teams have really stepped up their holiday music videos, including to my memory the first Hannukah song ever sung by a collection of NBA players.  So I've selected, based on my expertise of off-key singing, the best holiday songs by your favorite NBA teams.

Third Place: a shout-out to Omri Caspi, Amar'e Stoudemire and our gefilte fish-loving friends. 

Second Place: some teams have tried to up the ante with the production of their videos, such as the technology savvy Warriors and their fancy backdrops:

First Place: The team that takes top prize for most hilarious holiday song has to go to the Mavs.  How many teams can boast a Christmas carol featuring a crooning German, a hilarious American who iss kind-of German, southern drawled OJ Mayo, scatting Shawn Marion and of course a Jim Carey doppleganger coach who isn't too shy to bust a move. 

Happy Holidays friends.


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