Friday, December 21, 2012

Video: Spike Lee talkin' about an old Knick

Spike Lee could narrate himself eating pumpkin pie and it'd sound exciting.  But the NBA chose for Spike to share about back in the day when he couldn't afford court side seats and the Knicks were kicking butt not with Melo and gang but with a fellow named Bernard King.

Well, Spike only sits courtside nowadays and the only Bernard in the league is that 27 year old rookie on the Mavs.  However, the Knicks are in first place and royally kicking butt, so I guess that's why this video was made in the first place. 

The mega-old knicks are dominating the League and the most braggadocious Knick fan of them all is subtly gloating.  Makes the idea that today the world was supposed to end a little believable dontyathink?


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